An answer for your employees when life happens.
An answer for your employees when life happens.
Who uses EAP+?
Places like school districts, churches, businesses, and nonprofits can benefit from EAP+. See how Bentonville Schools uses EAP+ below.
What does EAP+ do?
EAP+ is a supplemental resource to organization's existing employee assistance programs that gauges the social determinants of health across your organization's workforce.
What are the benefits of EAP+?
EAP+ allows you to measure your return on investment with respect to lowered healthcare costs, absenteeism, retention, and more.
Employee assistance programs are incredibly useful but, often underutilized or nonexistent. EAP+ can compliment and enhance whatever program you may have.
You will be armed with a custom branded EAP+ page for your organization and a dedicated Hark Community Liaison that not only knows the entire landscape of resources for NWA, but also your current EAP.
If you are an employer interested in helping your employees thrive while maximizing your return on investment, email to learn more about EAP+.
See how Bentonville Schools has implemented EAP+ for all of their district employees.
We believe that data should be used to illuminate the needs of people in our community using the ten social determinants of health as our guide. When EAP+ is implemented at an organization, the same illumination is possible for employees.
See how Bentonville Schools has implemented EAP+ for all of their district employees.
We believe that data should be used to illuminate the needs of people in our community using the ten social determinants of health as our guide. When EAP+ is implemented at an organization, the same illumination is possible for employees.
Frequently Asked Questions
EAP stands for employee assistance program. Many organizations have them, but they are often underutilized.
EAP+ is a supplemental resource to organization's existing employee assistance programs. Organizations that have implemented Hark EAP+ have custom branded EAP+ pages that provides staff, members, and their immediate family members direct access to a dedicated Hark Community Liaison.
Hark Community Liaisons know the landscape of resources in Northwest Arkansas. CL's leverage NWA's most comprehensive resource map which is housed in Hark technology and will know your existing EAP offerings. Put them together, and you get a seriously amazing resource plan!
Places like school districts, churches, businesses, and nonprofits can benefit from EAP+.
Employee assistance programs are incredibly useful, but they may not exist at your organization. EAP+ can stand in that space to meet employee assistance needs.
**Hark at Excellerate Foundation | ERA Communications Update**
In partnership with Benton County, our goal has been and will continue to be to distribute Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) program dollars as efficiently as possible to residents that need it most in the midst of this pandemic. We will continue to communicate with you as things change or updates are made. Please see below.
Since February 2021, Benton County and Hark at Excellerate Foundation have partnered to distribute nearly $15M in rental assistance to county residents through ERA. As we approach the end of those funds, Benton County has worked hard to acquire additional available funding in order to continue meeting those needs given the recent spike and potential future spikes in COVID cases. While this additional funding has been approved, Benton County administrators expect a brief lag time until those funds are transfered from the U.S. Treasury. Unfortunately, there will likely be delays in the distribution of rental assistance funds until those dollars are received. We expect at least a one week delay in fund distribution.
**Changes are coming January 1st, 2022 to the Benton County Rental Assistance (ERA) program. Please read.**
Throughout the course of the ERA program, Benton County has monitored the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on county residents, revising program policies as needed to ensure that the level of financial assistance available matched the severity of conditions on the ground. As businesses have reopened, mask mandates have expired, and the unemployment rate has stabilized to pre-pandemic levels, Benton County is again making changes to reflect the current environment.
The following ERA policies for Benton County will go into effect on January 1, 2022:
If you have any questions or concerns please email
**Hark at Excellerate Foundation | Actualización de comunicaciones de ERA**
En asociación con el condado de Benton, nuestro objetivo ha sido y seguirá siendo distribuir los dólares del programa de asistencia de alquiler (ERA) en la manera más eficiente posible a los residentes que más lo necesitan en medio de esta pandemia. Continuaremos comunicándonos si algo cambia o realizan actualizaciones. Por favor, lea más abajo.
Desde febrero de 2021, el condado de Benton y Hark en Excellerate Foundation se han asociado para distribuir casi $15 millones en asistencia para el alquiler a los residentes del condado a través de ERA. A medida que nos acercamos al final de esos fondos, el condado de Benton ha trabajado arduamente para adquirir fondos adicionales con el propósito de continuar satisfaciendo las necesidades siendo que los casos de COVID han aumentado recientemente y posiblemente van a subir más. Aunque han sido aprobadas las finanzas adicionales, los administradores del condado de Benton esperan un breve tiempo de retraso hasta que esos fondos sean transferidos del Tesoro de los Estados Unidos. Desafortunadamente, es probable que haya retrasos en la distribución hasta que se reciban esos dólares. Esperamos al menos un retraso de una semana en la distribución de fondos.
**Los cambios llegarán el 1 de enero de 2022 al programa de Asistencia de Alquiler del condado de Benton (ERA). Por favor lee:**
A lo largo del programa ERA, el condado de Benton ha monitoreado la pandemia de COVID-19 y su impacto a los residentes del condado,revisando lo necesario de las políticas del programa para garantizar que el nivel de asistencia financiera disponible coincida con la gravedad de las condiciones actual del condado. A medida que las empresas han reabierto, los mandatos de máscaras han vencido y la proporción de desempleo se ha estabilizado a los niveles previos a la pandemia, el condado de Benton está haciendo cambios nuevamente de acuerdo con nuestro estado de hoy en día.
Las siguientes políticas para el condado de Benton comenzarán el 1 de enero, 2022
Si tiene alguna pregunta o preocupación, por favor mándenos un email
**Melele ko Rekāāl Tata an Hark at Excellerate Foundation / ERA**
Ilo ad jerbal ibben Benton County, kar kōttōbar eo ad in im enaaj en̄iin wot bwe jen ajeeji jāān ko jen Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) program eo ilo ejjelo̗k kalijōklo̗k n̄an ro elap tata aer aikuji ilo ien pandemic in. Jenaaj wōnmaanlo̗k wot ilo ad karon̄ kom ilo an melele im oktak ko rekaal bōk jikier . Jouj im lale ijin ilal.
Jen kar Feruary 2021 eo, Benton County im Hark at Excellerate Foundation eo rekar ibbendoon im kōjerbal ERA n̄an leto letak ekebaak $15 Million n̄an jiban̄ ikijjien jikin jokwe n̄an ro rej jokwe ilo county. Elakkar jino an maat jāān eo, Benton County ekar kate im bar kabbok jāān n̄an kabwe aikuj ko maantak einwot an kar laplo̗k ak maron̄ laplo̗k nan̄inmej in COVID tokelik. Kiō ke emōj kawāāppen jāān in, ritel ro ilo Benton County rej katmāne ke enaaj wor jidik ien kattar an jāān in delo̗n̄tok jen ibben U.S Treasury. Būromōj bwe emaron̄ rumijlo̗k an ajeej jāān in jiban̄ jikin jokwe in mae ien eitok. Jej tōmak emaron̄ rumijlok juōn wiik n̄an leto letak jaan in.
** Enaaj wor oktak ilo January 1, 2022 n̄an Benton County Rental Assistance (ERA) program eo. Jouj im riit.**
Ilo an program in an ERA bōk jikin, Benton County ekar etāle COVID-19 pandemic in im jo̗n̄an an jelet ro ilo county ko, im ukōti kakien ko an program in im rekkar bwe jo̗n̄an jāān eo en bwe n̄an jo̗n̄an jo̗reen ko rej walo̗k. Ilo an business ko bar jino bello̗k, jako kakien ko an mask, im unemployment ediklo̗k jen jinoin COVID, Benton county ej bar kōmman oktak ekkar n̄an ta ko rej walo̗k ibelakkid.
Kakien kein an ERA n̄an Benton County renaaj jino bōk jikier ilo January 1, 2022:
N̄e ewor am kajjitōk ak abnōnō, jouj im email e