FriendsGraphic EAP

EAP+ Program

An answer for your employees when life happens.

Who uses EAP+?
Places like school districts, churches, businesses, and nonprofits can benefit from EAP+. See how Bentonville Schools uses EAP+ below.

What does EAP+ do?
EAP+ is a supplemental resource to organization's existing employee assistance programs that gauges the social determinants of health across your organization's workforce.

What are the benefits of EAP+?
EAP+ allows you to measure your return on investment with respect to lowered healthcare costs, absenteeism, retention, and more.


Employee assistance programs are incredibly useful but, often underutilized or nonexistent. EAP+ can compliment and enhance whatever program you may have.


Implementing EAP+ Implementing EAP+

You will be armed with a custom branded EAP+ page for your organization and a dedicated Hark Community Liaison that not only knows the entire landscape of resources for NWA, but also your current EAP.

Get Started Get Started

If you are an employer interested in helping your employees thrive while maximizing your return on investment, email to learn more about EAP+.

bentonvilleschools Bentonville Schools

See how Bentonville Schools has implemented EAP+ for all of their district employees.

christina wocintechchat com 0Nfqp0WiJqc unsplash Employee Insights

We believe that data should be used to illuminate the needs of people in our community using the ten social determinants of health as our guide. When EAP+ is implemented at an organization, the same illumination is possible for employees. 

bentonvilleschools Bentonville Schools

See how Bentonville Schools has implemented EAP+ for all of their district employees.

christina wocintechchat com 0Nfqp0WiJqc unsplash Employee Insights

We believe that data should be used to illuminate the needs of people in our community using the ten social determinants of health as our guide. When EAP+ is implemented at an organization, the same illumination is possible for employees. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an EAP?

EAP stands for employee assistance program. Many organizations have them, but they are often underutilized.

What is Hark's EAP+?

EAP+ is a supplemental resource to organization's existing employee assistance programs. Organizations that have implemented Hark EAP+ have custom branded EAP+ pages that provides staff, members, and their immediate family members direct access to a dedicated Hark Community Liaison. 

What is a Hark Community Liaison?

Hark Community Liaisons know the landscape of resources in Northwest Arkansas. CL's leverage NWA's most comprehensive resource map which is housed in Hark technology and will know your existing EAP offerings. Put them together, and you get a seriously amazing resource plan! 

Who uses EAP+?

Places like school districts, churches, businesses, and nonprofits can benefit from EAP+.

What if we do not have an employee assistance program?

Employee assistance programs are incredibly useful, but they may not exist at your organization. EAP+ can stand in that space to meet employee assistance needs.

We’re here to help you
find the resources you need.
Get connected today.